Hey! We have a new President!

On the 14th of June 2013, presidential elections were held over the whole country. Iran has now a new president: the moderate relgious Hassan Rowhani, who won with 50,7% of the votes. Rowhani views the youth as a great asset for the country’s development. He declared:

“The approach towards the youth issue in social arenas should undergo drastic changes in policy-making and planning, and we must see these main national assets as an opportunity.”
Rowhani says that every individual in the society, particularly the youth, should actively participate in all country’s affairs, and it’s essential to pave the way for such participation in all scenes. The youth of Iran are eagerly waiting for his promises to come true. Time will be the judge.
(Figures above and below: Hassan Rowhani, on the front page of E'temad Newspaper)
Source: E'temad Newspaper
 >> The next and final post (Chapter 8) will present the societal domains which the new president aims to focus upon for the next five years !

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